Game Description

"Wingspan" is a captivating board game that takes players on a journey through the world of birds, where they must strategically build up their aviary and attract a diverse array of feathered friends to score points. With the addition of the European Expansion and Oceania Expansion, the game reaches new heights of excitement and complexity.

The European Expansion introduces players to a whole new region filled with unique bird species to discover and attract. From the majestic Golden Eagle to the elusive Snowy Owl, each bird offers its own special abilities and scoring opportunities. With new player boards, cards, and tokens, the European Expansion adds depth and variety to the gameplay, challenging players to adapt their strategies to the changing landscape.

But the adventure doesn't stop there. The Oceania Expansion takes players to the stunning landscapes of Australia and New Zealand, where they will encounter exotic birds like the Rainbow Lorikeet and the Kiwi. With new bird cards, bonus cards, and end-of-round goals, the Oceania Expansion opens up even more possibilities for players to explore and experiment with different tactics.

Together, the European and Oceania Expansions enhance the already engaging gameplay of "Wingspan" by offering new challenges, opportunities, and surprises at every turn. Whether you're a seasoned bird enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of avian adventure, these expansions are sure to delight and inspire players of all skill levels.

So gather your flock, spread your wings, and soar to new heights in the ever-expanding world of "Wingspan" with the European Expansion and Oceania Expansion. With its stunning artwork, strategic gameplay, and endless replayability, this game is sure to captivate players and keep them coming back for more. Are you ready to take flight and experience the beauty and wonder of the bird kingdom? It's time to play "Wingspan" with the European Expansion and Oceania Expansion and see where your wings will take you.

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