Game Description

Wingspan: Oceania Expansion is a captivating board game that takes players on a journey through the diverse ecosystems of Oceania. In this expansion to the critically acclaimed Wingspan, players will have the opportunity to discover and explore the unique wildlife and habitats of Australia, New Zealand, and the surrounding islands.

The game is set in a lush, vibrant world filled with colorful birds, each with their own special abilities and characteristics. Players will take on the role of bird enthusiasts, known as bird watchers, who are tasked with attracting a variety of birds to their wildlife preserves. By strategically placing bird cards in their habitats, players can earn points and unlock powerful abilities that will help them attract even more birds.

One of the most exciting features of the Oceania Expansion is the introduction of new bird species that are native to the region. From the iconic kiwi bird to the majestic albatross, players will have the chance to learn about and collect a wide range of fascinating birds that call Oceania home. Each bird card is beautifully illustrated and contains detailed information about the bird's habits, diet, and habitat, making the game both educational and visually stunning.

In addition to the new bird species, the Oceania Expansion also introduces new player mats, bonus cards, and end-of-round goals that add depth and complexity to the gameplay. Players will need to carefully manage their resources, plan their actions, and adapt to changing conditions in order to succeed in attracting the most birds to their preserves.

With its engaging gameplay, stunning artwork, and educational components, Wingspan: Oceania Expansion is a must-have for bird enthusiasts, board game lovers, and anyone who enjoys a challenging and immersive gaming experience. So gather your friends, set up your wildlife preserves, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting world of Oceania.

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